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List of Characters in the Series

Ultrakov-Affiliated Characters

1)Grand Premier Volkov (from C&C): A cyborg created during the First Red War. He rose from the rank of "Soviet Super Soldier" to the "Premier of the Ultrakov Union". There are rumors that he went berserk, but Volkov states that it was one of his fake clones and in reality he is immune to effects like that.


2)Deputy Premier Boris (from C&C): Boris (Russian: Борис) was a field commander and an elite commando during Psychic Dominator Disaster and the New World Order, replacing the traitor Yuri's clones. He is also a recipient of the Gold Star medal, giving him the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He is now the Deputy Premier of the Ultrakov Union.


3)Chief Advisor Jack Chronosmith (Original Character): He is the leader of Nation of Chronomidas. He is the first of his kind, the Chrono Elves. He was an experienced Allied general, time traveller and a Quel'thalan Mage and General, therefore he has lots of knowledge, especially knowledge about Allied military and fantasy magics. He also knows how to mix fantasy magic with binary codes. Thus, the Ultrakov Union has become a technologically advanced superpower with his knowledge.


4)Engineer Ho Shen Kai (Original Character): A Chinese-Malaysian by birth, Ho Shen Kai grew up during the middle stage of New World Order, witnessing how the Shadowy Legion and the Illidari Empire crushed the fighting soldiers of lots of nations. He was (and still is) upset about the Shadowy Legion and the Illidari Empire. His hobbies are related to engineering, and according to the last sentence, thus inspired him to be a military combat engineer.


5)Tinker PacPac (Original Character): He was originally a Horde tinker like Lor'Themar Theron (Regent Lord of Quel'thalas and Slasher) and Sylvanas (The Dark Lady) did. However, he is being neglected and "bullied" by Garrosh and his followers. PacPac, Lor'Themar Theron and Sylvanas, along with their nations, has decided to quit the Horde because of this. Garrosh is enraged about the quitting action, therefore he declared war with their nations. Fortunately, the Ultrakov Union came before Garrosh could demolish their nations. PacPac, as well as the mentioned Lor'Themar Theron and Sylvanas, made a pact with the Ultrakov Union, offer their services to the superpower.


6)Lor'Themar Theron (from Warcraft): Similar to the one above.


7)Sylvanas Windrunner (from Warcraft): She was the former ranger-general of Quel'thalas. During the Third Warcraft War, she was killed and later transformed into a banshee by Arthas...... Sometime later, she managed to repossess her body and later freed from the Lich King's control.........(the following parts of the story is similar to PacPac.


8)Sweet Johnson (formerly Alliance, from GTA): He is the current leader of the GSF (Grove Street Families) Mafia. He is a bit serious but he will tell some jokes occasionally. Unlike other gangs/mafias' leaders who are cowards, he dares to fight in gang wars and even join the corrupt Alliance under Varian Wrynn and the Volkov's mighty Ultrakov Union. He is now educated by his younger brother, Carl, about urban warfare tactics, Science and Maths.


9)Carl Johnson (formerly Alliance, from GTA): He is the underboss of the GSF mafia. In 1987 (both GTA Universe and C&C Universe), he left Los Santos, "remake of Los Angeles" for Liberty City, a "remake of New York". He returns in 1992 after his mother dies, leading him to an adventure throughout San Andreas. He learnt many things during the "adventure". He dares himself to start another adventure in the Shadowmoon Valley, but he was captured by Anton Slavik. He was later rescued by the Alliance and was brought to the Nation of Lionwrath. He has became Varian's slave. His gang and he decided to secretly join the Ultrakov Union.........


10)Lieutenant Tarnell (formerly Alliance, from GTA): Tarnell is an overweight OG and one of the Grove Street Families OG who are good in Maths and Science. Also CJ's most favorite assistant and battle-support lieutenant. He is deeply loyal to CJ.


11)Malfurion (formerly Alliance, from Warcraft): Malfurion was the underboss of the Cenarion Circle. He, along with his lover Tyrande, participated in the War of the Ancients 10 000 years ago and secretly joined the Ultrakov Union recently. When Cenarius discovered this, he lost his place in Cenarion Circle and the Sentinels became a public enemy of the Alliance.


12)Tyrande (formerly Alliance, from Warcraft): Tyrande was Malfurion's lover. She is also the co-leader of Nation of Darnassus and the Sentinels. She and Malfurion participated in the War of the Ancients which happened about 10 000 years ago. They also secretly joined the Ultrakov Union. They, along with their organizations, became the Alliance's public enemies when Cenarius discovered this.


13)Ultrakovism Supreme Commander Lamar Davis (from GTA): Lamar was a high-ranking OG of the Chamberlain Gangster Families and Forum Drive Families, who's good at urban warfare. When the multiverse was re-merged, he met the GSF OGs and the GSF gang itself. Tarnell and he are cooperating with each other since then, Tarnell teaches Lamar about Maths and Science and be a battle-support lieutenant for Lamar, while Lamar listens to his advice, etc. After about 2 years, he rose from the ranks of OG Commando to the Supreme Commander of the Ultrakov Union.

Alliance-Affiliated Characters

1)King Varian Wrynn (from Warcraft): Varian Wrynn, also called Lo'Gosh the "Ghost Wolf", is the son of the late King Llane Wrynn, is the acting leader of the Alliance, and the current King of Stormwind. Under his leadership, the humans of Stormwind led the Alliance to victory against the Lich King in Northrend, now seek to bolster their strategic holdings against their perennial enemy, "the Horde" and planning to enslave the Grove Street Families from the GTA-C&C Universe. He has taken up military leadership of the Alliance, and vowed to forge a new destiny for the Ultracraft Multiverse.


2)Admiral Daelin Proudmoore (from Warcraft): Daelin Proudmoore was the "Lord Admiral" and king of Kul Tiras. As "Grand Admiral" of the Alliance, he was the supreme commander of the naval forces of the Alliance during the Second War. He was a staunch enemy of the Horde, refusing to believe that it could ever change its ways — he greatly hated the orcs and would have been more than willing to see them all dead. Eventually he was consumed by his own hatred, and killed by the Horde led by Rexxar. However, he managed to survive.


3)Lady Jaina Proudmoore (from Warcraft): Jaina Proudmoore is the founder and current Lady of Theramore Isle, the Alliance's major port in southern Kalimdor and Dalaran, a city and state in Lionwrath. She is the daughter of Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, sister of Tandred Proudmoore and Derek Proudmoore, and the alleged half-sister of Finnall Goldensword. She is also the most powerful human sorceress on Azeroth.


4)Veressa Windrunner (from Warcraft): Vereesa Windrunner is an elven ranger who fought in the Second and Third Warcraft Wars. She is the youngest sister of Sylvanas Windrunner who would later become the Dark Lady of the Forsaken, and Alleria Windrunner, a hero of the Second Warcraft War.


4)Jim Raynor (from Starcraft):Jim Raynor is the current leader of the Terran Confederation. He is the one who discovered Anton Slavik's prison outpost and Carl's imprisonment by Anton Slavik. He is currently having a challenge with Anton Slavik.

Illidari-Affiliated Characters

1)Emperor Illidan Stormrage (from Warcraft): Illidan is the current Emperor of the Illidari Empire and Lady Vashj's husband. He was grown up in Suramar, the "Sunken City". During the War of the Ancients, his hunger of magic lured him to become a demon hunter and poured several vials of the water from the Well of Eternity into the holy water of Mount Hyjal. This caused him to thrown in the underground jail. During the Burning Legion's return, he was released by Tyrande...... (for the following parts of the story, refer to WoWWiki but he isn't dead in the Series yet).


2)Empress-Lady Vashj (from Warcraft): Lady Vashj was born in the city of Vashj'ir, where her mother, Lestharia Vashj, was the high leader and matron. She somehow left her homeland, and came to the city of Zin-Azshari, capital of the night elves, sometime before the War of the Ancients. Once chief among Queen Azshara's handmaidens, Vashj became one of the serpentine naga when Azshara and her followers were sent to the bottom of the sea during the Great Sundering.Ten thousand years later, Vashj answered Illidan Stormrage's call and followed him first to Lordaeron, where she met up with Kael'thas Sunstrider and rallied his blood elves to Illidan's cause, and then to Outland when Illidan deposed Magtheridon as lord of the shattered world. As leader of Illidan's naga, Vashj and her followers set up shop in Coilfang Reservoir in Zangarmarsh, where the naga began to pump the lakes into their underground lair. However, she lives in the Black Temple in the series.


3)Prince Kael'thas (from Warcraft): Kael is the leader of the Sunfury Blood Elves and is the strongest mage in the Illidari Empire. He was facing a racist and irrasional general named Lord Garithos. Vashj approached and sends him a ship when he was trying to cross a river between an island and Dalaran Mainland. When he was ordered to battle against Dalvengyr, he was helpless. Vashj then approached again and aided him to defeat Dalvengyr............(You're supposed to know about the following parts of this short story, if you don't, then play "Curse of the Blood Elves" or refer to WoWWiki.)


4)Kargath Bladefist (Coming soon, from Warcraft): Kargath Bladefist (aka Korgath Bladefist) is the Warchief of the Fel Horde and Chieftain of the Shattered Hand Clan. He earned the sobriquet "Bladefist" after he cut off his own hand when he reached the station of grunt, replacing it with a deadly scythe. Hereafter, he quickly rose to the station of Chieftain of the Shattered Hand. To this day, Kargath resides in Hellfire Citadel, now as Warchief of the Fel Horde, overseeing his former master Magtheridon in a twist of bitter irony. Now Kargath's prisoner, Magtheridon supplies Illidan's forces with corrupted blood. Thus, Kargath is the source of Illidan's fel orc legions.


5)Torloth the Magnificent (from Warcraft): Torloth the Magnificent is a powerful warrior and leader of the Crimson Sigil. (detailed biography and information will be written later.)

Horde-Affiliated Characters

1)Garrosh Hellscream: Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grom Hellscream and former chieftain of the Warsong Clan, is the former Warchief of the Horde. With the reopening of the Dark Portal, Garrosh was invited into the Horde by Thrall himself, quickly advancing to the position of personal adviser of the Warchief. Garrosh led the Horde troops into Northrend and was given the position of acting Warchief in Thrall's absence. Garrosh is well known for his fierce hatred of the Alliance and frequently expresses his desire for the Horde to go to war with its rival faction. He later resurrected the Heart of Y'Shaarj and was replaced by Vol'jin as the Warchief of the horde. He corrupted the Vale of Eternal Blossoms using the Heart of Y'Shaarj. The act turn the vale into the Vale of Eternal Sorrows and unleashed the Sha of Pride. Taran Zhu is currently holding him for trial on Pandaria. Warlords-Logo-Small Garrosh escapes trial and gets help from a friend called Kairozdormu, and goes back into the time of the Rise of the Horde and stops the Orcs from drinking the Blood of Mannoroth, He helps influence his father Grommash Hellscream unite the clans under the banner of the Iron Horde to get his vengeance.


More Horde characters will be written sooner or later...... (P.S.: Remember Einstein's quote after erasing Hitler, "Sooner or Later, time will tell......".)

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