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Short Story 1: Frostground......

2 years after the corrupt King Varian's Death, the Ultrakov Grand Premier Volkov has decided to move his Ultrakov Union to the mysterious land of Frostground which is located on the Planet of Lothedaze......


The Ultrakov People has built a huge metropolis named FrostMetro-X. During the construction of the epic metropolis, the creatures of Frostground frequntly launches an attack on the metropolis.


Days later, Ho Shen Kai and the engineers have managed to construct the metropolis surrounded by City Patriot Missile Launchers, extremely towering and thick walls, and filled by citizens of all races and the auras of knowledge.


"CJ, Lieutenant Tarnell and Ayegon Bloodclaw, I have a quest for you. Scout the mysterious area of Frostground. There are rumors that aliens, nerubians, the Alliance people and the Horde monsters have also settled there and there are various artifacts scattered in this area. Our people have also encountered some problems, please help them. You're granted the right to command the troops," Volkov said.


CJ, Tarnell and also the blood elven demon hunter Ayegon have begun their adventure in the mysterious area of Frostground......



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